fitness Classes at the Refinery

You’re not one to settle for ‘good enough’ in life. So why settle for an average workout routine. You deserve a fitness routine that works as hard as you do.
If your workout routine doesn’t bring joy and results, then it’s time to find some new moves.
Maybe you’ve been repeating the same routine for years, or maybe you try something new every week. Either way, you aren’t feeling inspired or challenged. You’re tired of it - the overly-peppy instructors, silly dance moves, burpees, and impossible positions. The only thing that doesn’t seem to be tired is your body; It’s bored, zoned-out, and still not seeing results.
You could keep hoping your current routine is going to energize itself or that the next class you drop in on will be transformative. Or you could join us and know that your next session will both energize and push you - the way you workout, the way you move, your body, and the way you feel … even after the music stops.

Get Ready to
lunge & lean to your best self

our classes
A high-energy, full-body toning class driven by music and centered around dance-based movement. Work strength, endurance, and mobility while exhausting every muscle and sculpting your body to the beat of the music.
Available in Level 1: Beginning / Intermediate or Level 2: Intermediate / Advanced
BODY Moves
A low impact, high energy cardio session featuring follow along choreography on a rebounder. Get your heart pumping while minimizing impact on joints, supporting your lymphatic system and keeping your mind engaged with new moves. Class finishes with a short sculpt session.
Build a sense of control of your body and find confidence in the intentional movement and rhythm of each session.
you’ll know that your body has been challenged, flexed, sculpted, and pushed.